Petroglyph of Pena Furada

Parish of Circes (Santa Mariña)

15828, Touro

Archaeological site dating from the final stage of the Neolithic and the Bronze Age. It was located in 2017 on Mount Pena Furada, and although it is the first petroglyph found in Touro, the local population already knew of its existence (hence the place’s toponym).

The rock carvings are distributed over the entire surface of a slab rock approximately 2 meters long by 1 meter wide, located almost at ground level. The main decorative motifs are more than 40 holes or small caves and bowls with rounded and oval shapes and a cross, possibly of medieval or modern origin. The dimensions of the engravings range between 2 and 12 cm in diameter and their depth, between 1 and 3 cm. The caves in the center are wider and larger than those at the ends and some of them are joined by a groove.

The Pena Furada petroglyph has great value because there is little presence of rock art in the region.

The archaeologist Ramón Sobrino Lorenzo-Ruza documented this petroglyph in his diary in 1953. Years later, it was located thanks to the Touro City Council with the help of some neighbors and members of the A Rula Collective.
